. Mesotherapy For Face & Body Abu Dhabi, UAE | Skin Rejuvenation Abu Dhabi | Hair Restoration

Mesotherapy for face and Body

Mesotherapy is a non- surgical treatment that is used to treat various injuries and medical conditions and for skin rejuvenation. Tiny “medicinal bullets” are delivered directly into the middle layer of skin (mesoderm) that is highly specific to the condition being treated. The composition of the injection depends upon the condition to be treated, but it generally comprises of vitamins, minerals, some pharmaceutical compounds and plant extracts.

The procedure is usually indicated for patients to get rid of cellulite and localized fat deposits. It is also used for hair restoration. Another indication is skin rejuvenation where it is used to reduce the first signs of skin aging such as fine wrinkles on the face and neck.

The therapy is performed under local anesthetic in case of a mesolift treatment. The procedure is carried out either manually or with a special medical device called a “meso-gun”. Individualized mixtures of active ingredients such as minerals, vitamins, hyaluronic acid and antioxidants are gently injected into the different skin layers including connective tissue and fat tissue by using fine microinjections.
If needed, mesotherapy can be combined with filler, peelings or botox injections. 
Initially the therapy is carried out every other week for 2 months. Follow-up treatment is carried out once a month for another two months. It is advisable to have an application twice a year for maintenance.

After the procedure your skin might show little bleeding spots which ceases after a few seconds. Generally, there are no adverse effects seen in this therapy. Only in cases of allergy or pregnancy some treatments are not recommended.

There are almost no complications from mesotherapy. However, as for every kind of injection there is the possibility of getting small skin irritations, which usually fade away after a few days.