HPV Vaccination

The human papilloma virus (HPV) is a collection of viruses that cause warts on the hands, feet, and genitals. The HPV virus is very common and is easily spread by sexual activity

The HPV vaccine protects against infection by certain strains of the human papilloma virus (HPV)

The term "papilloma" refers to a kind of wart that results from some HPV types.

Warts: Warts may look like small, flesh-colored bumps or have a cauliflower-like appearance. In many cases, the warts are too small to be visible

There are more than 100 types of HPV. Most are harmless, but about 30 types put you at risk for cancer. These types affect the genitals and you get them through sexual contact with an infected partner. They can be either low-risk or high-risk. Low-risk HPV can cause genital warts. High-risk HPV can lead to cancers of the cervix, vulva, vagina, and anus in women. In men, it can lead to cancers of the anus and penis

HPV Vaccine:

HPV vaccines offer the best protection to girls and boys who receive all three vaccine doses and have time to develop an immune response before being sexually active with another person

HPV vaccines are given as a series of three shots over 6 months to protect against HPV infection and the health problems that HPV infection can cause. Two vaccines are available to protect against cervical cancers in women. Discuss with your health care provider about which is best for you

The vaccine is recommended for girls and women 14 through 26 years of age who did not receive it when they were younger. It is a part of School health program as recommended by heath authority. If your child not received vaccine contact your health care provider

HPV vaccine is given as a 3-dose series:

1st Dose:       Now

2nd Dose:      2 months after Dose 1

3rd Dose:       6 months after Dose 1

Additional (booster) doses are not recommended

Side effects

The most common side effects are fainting, dizziness, nausea, headache, and skin reactions at the site where the shot was given

Call your health care provider if

  • You are not sure whether you or your child should receive the HPV vaccine
  • You or your child develops complications or severe symptoms after getting an HPV vaccine
  • You have other questions or concerns about the HPV vaccine